
I'm a bitch, I'm a lover

Today was...weird. I had the 'emo' attack during PE and after lunch during Mandarin. Yeah, don't ask me why. In the morning, I actually wanted to skip Coco and when I proposed that, Rish was like, ''You sound so Secondary!'' I grimaced, ''So?'' She shaked her head and went all parental on me, '' No, Raisa. You have to attend every class.'' Yadda, Yadda. We burst out laughing and went, sadly. As we were having Science -Coco- , I just got so annoyed at my ex-best friend because she was acting like a servant to this other girls needs, like as if the girl was her Queen. So, I can not help but be myself and said, '' Why are you such a backstabbing two faced bitch?'' To the girl who ruined my friendship with my ex-friend. You know, typical teenage drama. No biggie. I forgive them, though. I should pr'ly say 'Sorry'. Yeah. Right now I should be packing but N-O! Heh. I love this song called 'You Ought to Know'. It's, er, nice (:. I barely paid attention to any of the lessons and when I was having a case of the emos in PE, I didn't do any of the work, just laid my head down on the table. ''Why aren't you doing your work?'' The new teacher asked, ''I don't want to.'' I replied and went back to the cold, hard surface of the table. Ugh. In English, I think this is what caused the emos, I got so upset at my Teacher because I was trying to cause awareness about a certain subject and I was, er, 'too liberal' and 'western'. What-the-fuck-ever. I suggested another topic and it got declined, too. He was telling me shit and shit and I got pissed. Yeah, I have issues (:
I want you to know, that I am happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both
An older version of me
And I'm here, to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair, to deny me