

I'm so Lucky. Yesterday was perfect! The damned exam is o-v-e-r, I'm getting an iPhone and I found my camera (: How much better does it get?! Oh, yes. No studying! Heh. Though, this weekend I've got to pack because we're moving house. Sad, i know. I'mma' miss that house. Today I went to the German Embassy and after, at home, I painted my nails of my left hand all different colors -except the middle and thumb- with Dior nail polish. Yeah, baby! I am soooooooo relieved to not have 2 hours -or 2 hour and 30 minute- classes of one of the four UPSR taken subjects. Phew! The Sleepover, London Vibe, Merdeka and what not pictures will be up soon on either my blog or facebook. I'm going to go do a new post, now. Peace,x-Raisa