

I seriously need to find my USB Cable for my camera. All my pictures, damm. So sad. Yesterday was our Merdeka celebration in SGSKL. It was fun; we wasted a lot of time. I wore a nice, fitting pink dress with high heels or wedges or whatever you call them. Everybody was complementing me. Heh. It was just a dress from Vietnam. I had to do the MC and Major Wan Nazri thought I was a Teacher, like damm. After school, Rish and I were at the forbidden staircase, again, shh! So we heard a Teacher coming and ran. Me in my high heels being pulled by Rish. Something you should never experience, which, after that, made me just take them off and walk around barefooted on the 3rd Floor. Rish was like, ''Raisa! Put your shoes on! It's embarrassing!'' HAHA. Who cares, dude? I took alot of nice pictures which will be edited once I actually find my USB Cable. Sheesh.. I'm out of prepaid, guys! So from Friday to Thursday I'm going to be in Shah Alam. Ew. Boring, much? Peace, X-Raisa