
Day out

Wow. Who searched that and damm, i look like Obama only hotter

Sexiest hair, ever, and ladies. Sex all the way. HAHA. And ''affairs''

Starting time : 1.47AM
Name : Raisa GD
Sisters : 2
Brothers : 3
Shoe size : 40 or 8/9/10
Height : Extremly tall, that's all i know
Where do you live : Shah Alam
Favorite drinks : Water, i guess. Haha, coke; milkshake; juices
Favorite breakfast : English breakfast and pancakes
Have you ever been on a plane : Er-YES!
Swam in the ocean : Yeah, bitch

Fallen asleep in school : Yeah, but teachers' don't really scold me, they just warn me for some reason but i aint complaining
Fell off your chair : Fuck, yeah!! HAHAHAHHAH
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : No, if it's important and i have to wait ''all night'' just call my cell
Saved e-mails : No. I read and delete or forward
What is your room like : In what way? You mean messy; cute or what?
What’s right beside you : My new book The Warrior Heir, USB, camera pouch and camera. The phone and a hpdeskjet, speakers and the modem
What is the last thing you ate : TimTams

Ever had…
Chicken pox : Twice
Sore throat : Ha. Yeah
Stitches : I think...I hit my head above one of my eyes and i was really young...
Broken nose : I don't think so..No lah
Do you believe in love at first sight : Hah. Who knows, do i?
Like picnics : Yeah but not in MLSY, really. People'll just starre and other shit
Who was the last person you danced with : Err..I don't dance and i was dancing just know to my cousin not with them, though. WIth friends it'd be AP, SP, LR, AM and moi
Last made you smile : I was playing bullshit with my sis and bro; smiling, then
You last yelled at : one of my brothers i believe

Today did you…
Talk to someone you like : I talked to RP in my mind, does that count?? Hahha, naw, don't like any one at the mo
Kiss anyone : Nope. Unless you count my mummy
Get sick : Kinda. Cramps like fuck
Talked to an ex : Hhaha. No, my phone is off
Miss someone : Naw
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : Oh hot damm!!!! A lot. There's Sushi, Duckie, PB Einstein, Teddy, Snow, Frankfurter and Marcs' teddy
What’s under your bed : I'm betting on dust
Who do you really hate : No one, hate takes up too much energy
What time is it now : 1.59AM

Randoms :
Q : Is there a person who is on your mind right now : No
Q : Do you have any siblings : You already asked me that, 'tard
Q : Do you want children : Yeah!!
Q : Do you smile often : All the time, you sexy stalkering thang
Q : Do you like your hand-writing : It changes, ha
Q : Are your toenails painted : Black, bayaby
Q : Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : Er. My mummies
Q : What colour shirt are you wearing : Some stripped pink and white whatever you call it
Q: What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday : Dunno, bad memory,, and wth looks at the time for fun?!
Q: I can’t wait to : Dunno
Q: When did you cry last : Err...Not really a cryer
Q: Are you a friendly person: HELL YEAH!!!
Q: Do you have any pets : HAHAH. Er, four cats
Q: Where is the person you have feelings for right now : I don't know, really. Where is Rob and all my other H'wood hunks?
Q: Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now? : Hold hands?? I think it was one of my cousins lah
Q: Do you sleep with the TV on? : Er, NO! Save electrics!
Q: What are you doing right now? : Listening to Katy Perry
Q: Have you ever crawled through a window? : Maybe i have
Q: Can you handle the truth? : Yes
Q: Are you closer to your mother or father? : Both
Q: Who was the last person you cried in front of? : Long, long time ago. Oh, wait. I'm confused. Forgot lah
Q: How many people can you say you’ve really loved? : Like in a realtionship? None. Family and real close real-deal-friends lah
Q: Do you eat healthy? : HAHAH
Q: Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?: Noooooo..LOL
Q: Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? : Er. Wrote. Like y'know in those Mean Girl movies and someone writes s'thing mean
Q: How often do you go to mosque?: Very seldom
Q: If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? : Ha. Anyone
Q: Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Fucking loud, beyatches!
Q: Are you confident?: Yeah, love
Q: Favorite Quote: Damm mucho
Q: Things I was doing 10 years ago: I was two, so i was pr'ly being cute and adorable and eating

Q: Things on my to-do list today.
Today? Well, right now, GO TO SLEEP.

Q: 5 snacks I enjoy..
1. Chips
2. Chocolates
3. Candy
4. Fruits
5. Errr

Q: 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire.. (By Order)
1. Give back to Charity
2. Buy books, helll lot, shoes -yeah, baybay!!-, shirts and shit : shopping
3. Travel the world with family and splurging on my family and thanking them for all the stuff they've done for moi and my frineds, duh!!
4. Get richer while having fun with my friends
5. I don't know lah. Why 5? Banyak sangat!

Q: 5 of my bad habits..
1. Swearing
2. Being a 'tarted psycho
3. Getting starred at
4. Eating alot
5. And my worst : Crossing my legs

Q: 5 places I have lived in..
1. Germany
2. Kl
3. Shah Alam

Q: 5 jobs I’ve had..
Fuck..I'm really participating in school lah and twelve wtf works at that age???!

Maybe i was too pale, maybe too fat

Haha. Twilight, again. Fucking cramps. Pictures. Tiredness. Making a new banner; patience. 87? downloaded of Speak, gotta go download Twilight and make a video....All soon, my cupcake scabs. Ok, random.... Naughty fun.