
My hands are searching

Realizing that you do not know shit of what you have been studying for more than 6 months is crap. I like painting, passes the time. Need to buy more canvases'. I have all my rap back, yeah (x Man, so many songs on my iTunes. So many unchecked cause my iPod is only 4GB. Oh hot damm.


Laugh out of pity

Holy shite. I am transferring my music from my memory card from my old phone and fuck, i was mainstream. But no worries, there is a hint of indie on it but now it's mostly. I mean, some mainstream songs are good, yeah. Tomorrow is puasa, oh hot damm.


6 more days

I keep on having butt ass weird dreams, yo. Plus, i would wake up a few times during ze night. But seriously, almost the whole time i've been in Germany, my night has been filled with a hint of a dream that will be remembered not of it's whole but of it's quality. That was long, a very long lame sentence that could have just been shortened. Anyway, on dream interpereter, now. This computer is so slow, dammit. Well, fine, let me try interpreting it myself. Perhaps as i enter the elevator i have the choice of going up or down but as i decide not to go either ways that means i'm just leaving it as it is. And the running, jesus christi, so much running. I'm boring you, aren't i? All this talk of dreams. So many words strung together. I shall stop. Right now.
Well, it's 6 more days till i am home. Back in home sweet home. I shall cherish the days left. I am going to miss Germany, fosho. Especially the views. Oh, the beautiful views. All those bloody long fields and forest. The way the sun shines through the green. Those cute couples seen in France. The amazing architecture of the buildings. The totally bipolar weather. I'll miss it (: Oh, and deffo my grannies' the most. And the shopping and cuties -drools, those will be minor missery thoughts. I tend to make up words, overlook it. Too many words. Oh, and how in the hell am i going to fit in meeting all me lovies in those two weeks i have before school while fiting in shitloads of studying. Stuff it. Ttfn x


If I wanted silence, I would whisper. If I wanted lonliness, i'd choose to go. If I wanted rejection, i'd audition and if I didnt love you, you would know.

I went and bought a few stuff yesterday (x Two t-shirts from New Yorker and omg, the cashier is so fuckin' slow each time i go there -.- And then these cute brown heels, which i have no idea how to describe but they are tres cute. And then i got a dress from Aunt Iris. Pictures from the dress and shoes are on m FB (: I want to buy maybe another dress and jeans that are not skinnies' (;

What i have so far :
Black singlet/halter
Black dress
T-shirt (3)
Pair of jeans
Shoes (3)
Handbag (2)
Bikini (3 pieces)
Way too many accesories

Looking at quotes (:


Change of mind, change of heart

So, i haven't updated my blog since i've been in Germany, not cause i was having too much fun, but because i could not be bothered. And, now i just felt like i should. My last post, i have seen are all silly illusions that are not true, haha. Germany is beautiful, just like France/Paris. I love it, here. It's getting kinda boring waking up, eating, going online and watching tellie and walking everyday, though they have some great shows on MTV that are not shown in Malaysia, no suprise. Yes, i AM getting fatter. I'm lazy to put pictures up as the computer is this old thing and i don't feel like it. Go check my facebook (x I had a horrid dream. I won't go into details. Anyyhoo, i'm too lazy to type more and need to go on toilet, so ciao, xxx