
Don't Let 'Em Say

My Title is a lyric from Eminems' song Beautiful. He's hot. Anyway, i think artist should write their own songs rather than sing songs people wrote. Because if it don't relate to you, what's the point? And and and, people, i do not look like fucking Hannah Montana, okay? Stuff it. Tomorrow is my performance. Ahh, Saiful better come. What am i going to wear, btw?


Amusing How You'll Hurt

You call me reckless.

My eyebrows have been de-bushed as Sunny would say. Crap, man. I find it so fucky how they do not have the lyrics of Bleeding by The Pretty Reckless. Anyway, the BBQ was rather boring but i had such an awesome time with my two babies'. I do love so extremly much. And i nak go to Akons' Concert, yo (: I just miss the whole atmosphere of a Concert. I don't even like Akon that much. I cannot believe that people would pay 500+ just to see Beyonce. Fuck that, man. Hahaha. I need to stop teasin', man.


Distractions Creeping Up

At every corner. I am suppose to be doing my Geo homework but yeahh. At least i'm doing it. If i was how i was last term i would just not give a fuck. Abang was like 'don't pretend you're a saint' and saying some shit about Lucifer. I don't understand that specimen that apparently is of same blood. Ouch, he gave me a wedgie just, now. Dear, Ass, you will never be the same. Tomorrow i am going out with Sunny and Suzen to the Koreans BBQ. Heh. And they will be sleeping over and the next day we akan gi shopping, babby (: I am intending to splurge on shoes, yo. I am luvvin it studded, man. It is tight as. I got a new phone. LG KS360. Sunita will most likely steal it when she sets eyes on it tomorrow. Remiding me, i need to wake up early, dohh. Better finish my project. And i need to remind me momma to buy a canvas tomorrow so the three of us can paint (: Btw, Selamat Hari raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Open houses are not my thing, yaw. I fell asleep on the chair at one. Shhh


No Love, Just Lies

It's been a week, is what i can say at the most. Most interesting events :

1. I got bitch-slapped
2. I got semi-tackled
3. I got an eraser thrown exactly in the middle of my head
4. There was a lot of shouting
5. I kept quiet for 2 hours

I don't know, man. I mean i really, really, really do not care what people think of me but what my friends think is different to the extreme. I guess just too many secrets at one go? Yeahhh. And like Abby said, If it meant something it could have been in the most twisted way not as bad as it seems but it didn't mean shit. To him, to me. So that sucks balls. I won't regret it, though, Sunita (:


On Medicine

Oh crap. My lips look like fuck, weh. They are daaammmmm swollen cause of my stupid sinus. Jeez. And i'm on medicines, again. They are suppose to bring the swelling down but no luck -.-

I'm Not Your Toy By La Roux is damm awesome, credits to Sunny for introducing me to it

Another Brick In The Wall

I luvv this song -selected lyrics, only-

And you'd be inclined to be mine for the taking
And part of this terrible mess that I'm making
But you, you're the catalyst
You'll be the pain
You'll be the scar
You'll be the road, rolling below
The wheels of a car
Don't know if I'm strong enough now
You'll be the

It All Seems

Like a dream

Watch Something So Personal Turn Into Nothing

Were you just looking for a hook up cause that's what you got. What i wanted, too. But it still hurts. God, this is why i ended it cause of how bipolar it all just is. I seriously cannot be bothered no more. I know i've said it before but seriously. Blerrgh -.- Secrets are not cool, man.


What Do I Got To Do

To make you happy?


Thursday Night

I need some excitement in my life. I would love to live life in the fast line.

Loneliness can cure my world

when i cant sleep
and my eyes are wide open
i start to wander,
over and over
down hidden doorways
of records of memories,
they all have a locked key
but i pry the doors open
over and over
just to see,
to take a peek
of the what ifs and maybe
and i wonder all alone,
and you play behind my eyes
over and over
just like an old record player
moments we shared and things
you said,
over and over
until i have enough thoughts
crowding my head
trying to make way
to decipher your words,
over and over

For all the hate to be swept away

Life is not what i would call dandy, it's been going slow and fine. Nothing that is of real interest happening. I'm out of the game, just so you know, can't be bothered no more. Hot damm, i was suppose to go to this what i would imagine awesome as party but complications arised. Stuff it. Though, this Saturday i will go shopping so yeah, bitch. I'm way too lazy to write shit here. I need to go think about what my password for Twitter is, tehe. Sometimes i just want to say a big FuckYou.

Just because you are breathing, doesn't mean you are alive.