
Boobies and rubies; indian wedding

Princess Booger stripes and Princess Nozdech - pronounced nose dig- P.P -for Pink Pony-.
My ancestry leads back to the first ever unicorn, my grand grand grand whatever, Delaco Hurz.
Siamese cats are Chinese. Fishes -the worst species- are Malay. Horses are Europeans. Snakes are maids. Birds are Koreans.
We walk the earth in disguise with our human skins. So, wearing those itchy suites we can go to school.
Our cover names are Sofia H. and Raisa G.D.

Indian/Bohemian-Christmas themed party is taking place in my mind and Princess Booger. So, i can meet up with all my old friends from SGSKL only.

So, life is good, boring mostly. Everybody is going somewhere and i'm stuck in Malaysia. Though on the 21st till the 28th i'll be in Perth, Australia. Picking up Helina and Yasmine in Pervertland. Have to buy shoes, it's my goal to come back with red shoes.

On Monday i'm meeting Kist and Mel, Marco and Jung will come.

On someday next week i'm meeting the Parkes' girls -minus the mum lah- and Liyana for a sleepover.

I can't wait for Twilight lah. Damm, i need to buy that crest from Amazon!!!!

I went to R.E.A.L, again. It was good, not many people came.

Let me settle the rumours that i got 5As, i didn't. I got a C for Maths, which was expected, and 2As and 2Bs. Quit good (:

Did i mention what a scumbag Saiful is? I haven't been on for so long and only now i'm mentioning it, oops.

I need to do a new banner