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Peace, X- Raisa


I seriously need to find my USB Cable for my camera. All my pictures, damm. So sad. Yesterday was our Merdeka celebration in SGSKL. It was fun; we wasted a lot of time. I wore a nice, fitting pink dress with high heels or wedges or whatever you call them. Everybody was complementing me. Heh. It was just a dress from Vietnam. I had to do the MC and Major Wan Nazri thought I was a Teacher, like damm. After school, Rish and I were at the forbidden staircase, again, shh! So we heard a Teacher coming and ran. Me in my high heels being pulled by Rish. Something you should never experience, which, after that, made me just take them off and walk around barefooted on the 3rd Floor. Rish was like, ''Raisa! Put your shoes on! It's embarrassing!'' HAHA. Who cares, dude? I took alot of nice pictures which will be edited once I actually find my USB Cable. Sheesh.. I'm out of prepaid, guys! So from Friday to Thursday I'm going to be in Shah Alam. Ew. Boring, much? Peace, X-Raisa


Drama, much?

In my memory, I turn and gasp in shock. I was further from the Beach then expected. I swam back as fast as I could as fear gripped at me. I was so far, all alone. I swam, swam and swam until I reached the sand, out of breath.

There was a time when I hit my head against the wall. I blacked out for a few seconds, laughing, and said, '' I hit my head against the wall, you know.'' When I came to, worried eyes were looking down at me and when they saw me laughing, they joined in. I felt pain just for a few seconds and one of my eyes had a popped an eye vessel, I think, I'm not sure, though. It's not as dramatic as it sounds, it just was kind of bloody at one part, at the side.

It started with a headache, like all things do, and moved down to my lower body. It hurt, a lot. My back tighs, stomache & back bone- or whatever it is called-. Ouch! I went with Teacher to the 1st Floor and she went to get the ointment for me. She rubbed it all over my lower stomache, then. I went to the Cafeteria, hoping to feel better but the cold made it no better. We went to the third floor to try let me try to excrete but instead I was howling in pain, moaning for relieve. I kneeled on the dirty floor, my hands were shaking and I was sweating. My legs felt paralyzed and Rish was worried, she persuade me to go see a Teacher, while I just wanted to curl into a ball. She took my hand and dragged me to the Cafeteria, again, where we informed Puan Noor , who asked us to inform Teacher. Sheesh. So, we went to the first floor, The Staff Room and you know near the classes and The Staff Room, there are those big empty places, yeah, I went and laid down there. In the end, i got to go to the Sick Bay. Peace, X-Raisa


Truth or Fiction

In my memory, Clara, Geoffrey and me were outside on the green grass, playing with toy cars; a big blue box filled with it next to us. It was a normal day, at the start, bright blue clouds; nice weather. I was sleeping over at Claras. The phone rang and I saw my Godmother pick it up. A moment later, she came out, everything is muted and I can only see her mouth move, I think she says we have to leave and her daughter wants to come along but she disagrees. In the next scene, I enter the house and see my fathers bag, I run forward, calling happily as I think he is back. I peek into one of the rooms and see somebody crying. My mother -grandmother, I don't know but one of them- greets me in the living room and hugs me. I don't remember the rest, I have all these flashbacks from Germany but it's hard because I have no idea if it's real or if it's not. All these scenes, memories.

I was in the Van, we were in front of my house. Two dorky secondaries sat in front of me, blocking the exit. I waited. One of them turned and looked at me. I starred and raised my eyebrows. The Brothers quickly went into action; one opened the door and failed, the other made space. I grinned and said, ''Thanks.'' but not before hearing the driver say something that sounded a lot like, ''One girl- Kelam Kabut, already.'' Haha, forgive my bad spelling in Malay. So, this is the Holidays, eh? Can you say B-O-R-I-N-G?! The only good in this is that my English Cousins are here and currently at KLCC, on the little bridge in between the tower. Oh, God, i need to find my camera USB cable,want to upload my pictures. I'm all alone at home, i bought the third book of the House of Night series, it was between that or Atonement. I'm going to go edit pictures now while listening to Flyleaf. Haha. Yes, emo, much? I know, i know, very emo but i love their songs. Nice. Oh, well. I should be studying but who gives a dog poo?!Peace, X-Raisa.

You make this all go away
You make this all go away
I just want something
I just want something I can never have