

I bought 3 flats, gladiators and thongs from Cottonon for 5 dollars!!!
A bag from Target and a CD
Then jeans from Dotti, a cardigan from Valleygirl, a t-shirt and dress from JayJays as shown below.

Heeheee. I'm going to go watch it soon with my brother and sisters' ((::
Then, with Arissa
And with Seherish (:
Cool, eh?
Oh! And with Kistina, muahahah, be jealous. I am soo excited. Perth was so darn awesome, man!!!!! I love it, there. Gotta go xx


Jacob black most wanted pervert

Hahahahha. Ok, well, he is a pervert because right outside my toilet, there are various posters and today when i showered i didn't close the door. Here is was just showering and no need to get into details when i suddenly turned my head to find TAYLOR L. a.k.a Jacob Black starring at me. I know, right! SO boring, today. Went to the doctors; i'm damm tired today lah..Well, and frickin' mad 'cuz i don't have the fucking Twilight Sundtrack, yet. Wtf -.- I know. And a confession when i looked at someones profile, yesterday, i had all these feelings all over, again. Fuck....Total fuck..

Broken she
Has her arms twisted
Is pointing at me
I'll stand, but I ain't coming
Over as she
She spoke with a voice
That struck at the sky
She said, "come on over
I'll wrap you in my arms"
And She said, "Let me sign"
"Let me sign"


Edward Cullen wants me; my blood, really.

The reason why? Well, here i was just pasting my posters on the wall with double sided tape and when it came to Edward Cullen, as i was cutting the d.s tape, well, the scissors cut my thumb and blood came rushing out. Well, no, the scissors didn't cut my thumb but you know what i mean. Now, both of my thumbs are injured. Sheesh. Anyway, yesterday was so fun and omg, i love Roberts' voice and his song ''Let me sign'', fuck man, so emotional. Which is a good thing, but so short... Back to the topic, yesterday Marco, Jung, Melissa, Kist and I went out to the Curve to watch a movie and we chose this shitty Thai movie, i mean the video photography was really good but the story title was so stupid and damm boring and s...l...o...w. Yes. Kist an di were like, get to the freakin' point already!!!! Gosh. We took damm lot of pictures and i am almost done packing. I'd like to go make the Header now and edit pictures. Here is a picture of my new cut, and the old one is UP.


Boobies and rubies; indian wedding

Princess Booger stripes and Princess Nozdech - pronounced nose dig- P.P -for Pink Pony-.
My ancestry leads back to the first ever unicorn, my grand grand grand whatever, Delaco Hurz.
Siamese cats are Chinese. Fishes -the worst species- are Malay. Horses are Europeans. Snakes are maids. Birds are Koreans.
We walk the earth in disguise with our human skins. So, wearing those itchy suites we can go to school.
Our cover names are Sofia H. and Raisa G.D.

Indian/Bohemian-Christmas themed party is taking place in my mind and Princess Booger. So, i can meet up with all my old friends from SGSKL only.

So, life is good, boring mostly. Everybody is going somewhere and i'm stuck in Malaysia. Though on the 21st till the 28th i'll be in Perth, Australia. Picking up Helina and Yasmine in Pervertland. Have to buy shoes, it's my goal to come back with red shoes.

On Monday i'm meeting Kist and Mel, Marco and Jung will come.

On someday next week i'm meeting the Parkes' girls -minus the mum lah- and Liyana for a sleepover.

I can't wait for Twilight lah. Damm, i need to buy that crest from Amazon!!!!

I went to R.E.A.L, again. It was good, not many people came.

Let me settle the rumours that i got 5As, i didn't. I got a C for Maths, which was expected, and 2As and 2Bs. Quit good (:

Did i mention what a scumbag Saiful is? I haven't been on for so long and only now i'm mentioning it, oops.

I need to do a new banner


Just for you

Flinging my arm around his shoulder, i leaned in to his ear and mumered a Hey; we talked for a while, he was flustered. As we neared the dark parking lot my best friend pried my hands off him and took me forward. Laughter rang in my ear from behind. ''Raisa!!!'' She scolded, suppressing a giggle.

''Ken!!'' I said rather loudly, trying to get his attention. He looked up and smiled. I flirted a bit, being all gedik, a touch here. A touch there. A giggle here. You know the process.

I blew my nose for the millionth time that day and starred at my best friend. She was in front of me; on the staircase and i was a few feet behind here, sitting near the fire hose. I heard movement from behind me and craned my neck to see a tall, Chinese boy coming out of the WC. I sad Hello and he replied. As he came nearer i looked up and was in need of a bin. I lifted my hand to his body, from where i was it, it reached his torso; touched him lightly and slid my hand down to me, again. I asked for a rubbish and he repeated the request. ''Yes. A dustbin, please.'' He nodded, went to get me one and took off.

''Teacher. Could you get me tissue, please.'' I looked up from where i was lying down, stomache on the floor, with my legs up behind me. My fellow friends -4- were surrounding me in a circle, we were suppose to be reading through our lines, rehearsing. ''That toilet is for girls, only.'' He said and i replied, ''No. It's unisex.'' ''Yeah, it's unisex, teacher.'' We had a slight discussion on that matter and he said, ''Ok, fine. Just for you.'' I smiled as Seherish nudged me.

I have a way that boys do what i say. Hmm. Ever been to a Gynaecologist? It's weird. Don't ask me how i know. I'm very sick. -blows nose on tissue. My stepdaddys' uncle or cousin or whatever is a doctor, so i went to see him and he said my nose is really teruk lah. So he inserted this long paper in my nose and after 5 minutes or 10, took it out. It was a very weird feeling. I went to REALity for one day - got sick- and i made new friends.