
Hari Raya

Yeah, yeah. Selamat Hari Raya; Maaf Zahir & Batin, y'all. I'm a good, good girl (; I forgot to add Gisele Bundchen, Jamie Bell and Hugh Jack-freaking-hot-Man (: Peace,x -Raisa



Megan Fox
Jessica Alba
Vanessa Hudgens
Selena Gomez
Blake Lively
The top. That all. LOL (:

Past few Days

Have been good. Naw. Who am I kidding. Stressful; tiring would fit. I am having a headache. So, this is the list of
HOT DUDES of 2008 for RGD :
The Twilight cast of men as in Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and Cam Gigandet
James McAvoy
David Boreanaz
Steven Strait
Penn Badgley
Ed Westwick
James Marsden
Josh Henderson
Ian Somerhalder
Hayden Christensen
That hot gardener from Desperate Housewives
Jensen Ackles
Jared Padalecki
Milo Ventimiglia
Sebastian Stan
(*no order)
Heeheee. I think I had too much ice-cream. YUMYUM! Tehe. Just now when we were leaving Subang Parade, my pops cereals went ''I will Survive'' to the guy he had to pay to for his ticket as I mentioned I will Survived, the song, we had a slight discussion. HAHAHA. Funny. I'm happy but I feel so stuffed up 'cuz me damm freakin' ear is all whack. Not cool. At all. I'mma' go watch either Grease or Scoop, now. Yes. The names both are tres weird (: Peace,x-Raisa


Our motto is, '' Have Fun''

Heehee. Today, was just fun, fun, fun. We - Seherish and me - skipped, like, three lessons. Heh. The people who wrote shit about me got found out. We - Anis, Aishah, Diana, Raisa and Seherish -hung out after school infront of the hall and when it rained, ran from there to the gate infront of the Admission office. Diana didn't run with us. We got so frickin' drenched, dude!!! Hahaha. Damm fun. I wasn't wearing the most suitable bra and had to use my bag to cover it up. Heh. Marco came and we - minus Seherish & plus Azfar - met at BAM. Talked for a while and had to leave. We went to Times Square, then, for my mums phone and to get milk, corn beef and something else i forgot about. Had KFC and arrived home at around 6, was stuck in jam lah. Aiyo. Wtf -.- Then, I mandi and went on the 'net. Damm. My brother made nasi goreng his style, damm yummy and as I was cleaning up he kind of poked me with the knife. Hahahah. Not pain, though the knife was sharp. Banged my head against the metal thingy and tried to strangle me with the invisible plastic you use to cover up food to put on the fridge. Heeheeee. Haha. Hehe. LOL. Hehe. So, yeah, Peace,x-Raisa


That's hot

Jimmy or Christian, people?! Which one. Hmmm... Christian. Jimmy sucks like whoa. Not that I'm getting either but still (: So, here are a thousand pictures for you (: Peace,x-Raisa

Insert Title Here

Food at night, sleeping late, waking up at 4 a.m. to drink, 6.15 a.m. getting ready, being a bitch in school. Wtf? -.- That's my routine if you don't count the napping and packing (: So, today, right now I am in a prissy mode. All sighing and growling and.. yeah. And what the freakin' eff is wrong with the frickin' facebook?! Uuuuggggggghhhhhh. I went to the new house today. Damm dusty but nice. Love my room. I can not fast as I have you-know-what and was having diarrhea, too (: Yeah, you want to know, don't you. Hehe. Still in a bad mood, though. Peace,x-Raisa


Hit TV Series

People who talk, talk 'cuz they're not important enough to be talked about.
''Your life is like a TV show.'' Tzu Kuang said to me, holding the book under his chin. I stopped singing and just looked at him. Wan nudged me and I continued, Neric woo-ing and ahh-ing in the background. I actually sound good, singing my own songs because if it's somebody elses' I won't sound as good. I guess my life is like a TV Series. Today, in School I was soooo tired because I was talking to Azfar yesterday from like around 12 or 11 until 1.40. Heh. So, let Raisa tell you a story:-
On Wednesday I was given a paper by Neric who got it from Sheryl and it said bad things about me; dirty things. I mean, I don't care because I know people talk about me but that I'm that low at their level?! God. It effects me, you know. So, yeah, I was crying and my Godbrother and my Brother finished their Computer session and came to me, which made me cry more. I was at our new hang-out spot. It was embarrassing but it had to happen, you know? Man, i love the people in Secondary. Primary people are so frickin' dirty and immature and annoying and busy body and... Sheeessshhh. So, anyway, today was boring, me being in a prissy mood -again- and when we had Agama I had to memorize these ( alif,ba,ta,sa,jim,kha,ha,dhol* etc. etc.) lines and I remembered because we made it funny as in '' Jim laughed at Mr. Khaw because he spilled dhal on his shirt and is a sinner, so on, so on (: God, I had like, more than 6 pancakes for the breaking of fast and am now eating noodles. Yum. I was sleeping everywhere today. Hahaha. At the hair dresser, In the car, At home, In the car, In the bed. Heh. Now, my hair looks extremely nice and EW! I don't know why my hair is so frickin' oily lately. Like wtf?! -.- I have a pet monster, a toast bread. Toasties' picture will be up soon. Peace,x-Raisa



Waiting for something interesting to happen. Nothing does, non? So, here I am, going to watch desperate woman on the small screen. Sigh. I might have a blog but I don't write everything I feel, here.

I took a dose of your medicine,

I don't see what all the fuss is about,
'Cause i'm okay.
Soon you will see that I got the ability
To get my way.



I'm a bitch, I'm a lover

Today was...weird. I had the 'emo' attack during PE and after lunch during Mandarin. Yeah, don't ask me why. In the morning, I actually wanted to skip Coco and when I proposed that, Rish was like, ''You sound so Secondary!'' I grimaced, ''So?'' She shaked her head and went all parental on me, '' No, Raisa. You have to attend every class.'' Yadda, Yadda. We burst out laughing and went, sadly. As we were having Science -Coco- , I just got so annoyed at my ex-best friend because she was acting like a servant to this other girls needs, like as if the girl was her Queen. So, I can not help but be myself and said, '' Why are you such a backstabbing two faced bitch?'' To the girl who ruined my friendship with my ex-friend. You know, typical teenage drama. No biggie. I forgive them, though. I should pr'ly say 'Sorry'. Yeah. Right now I should be packing but N-O! Heh. I love this song called 'You Ought to Know'. It's, er, nice (:. I barely paid attention to any of the lessons and when I was having a case of the emos in PE, I didn't do any of the work, just laid my head down on the table. ''Why aren't you doing your work?'' The new teacher asked, ''I don't want to.'' I replied and went back to the cold, hard surface of the table. Ugh. In English, I think this is what caused the emos, I got so upset at my Teacher because I was trying to cause awareness about a certain subject and I was, er, 'too liberal' and 'western'. What-the-fuck-ever. I suggested another topic and it got declined, too. He was telling me shit and shit and I got pissed. Yeah, I have issues (:
I want you to know, that I am happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both
An older version of me
And I'm here, to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair, to deny me



''The body snatcher flinches just as he...''
Yeah, Yeah. What-the-fuck-ever.
The internet connection is sooooooo freaking bad, I'm screaming. Ohkay, so the pictures won't be up as I just can N-O-T find my effin' USB Cable!!! What the eff! Today I was watching Aquamarine and it was so sad, I almost cried...I know, right?! Then it was Oxford Muders, which made nooooooo sense. The new Facebook s-u-c-k-s big time, da-hude. I am sooooo bored. Geesh. That is a new word made by me. It's God and Sheesh combined. Australias' Next Top Model s-u-c-k-s, no? Still fun to watch, though. The bitchness. I seriously want to, need to, watch Gossip Girl, Buffy: Season 2, The O.C: Season 2, Bones, Angel, Veronica Mars and yadda-yadda-yadda. Peace,x-Raisa



A young, black haired girl starred out the window at the puffy white clouds. Her name was Rina.


She was me. Imagine, aight' ?! Me, Raisa GD, named Rina. Everything would be so different. I mean every-freaking-thing. RINA!!! Can you believe it?! Heh. I can only shake my head. I'm glad I'm me. Peace,x-Raisa


I'm so Lucky. Yesterday was perfect! The damned exam is o-v-e-r, I'm getting an iPhone and I found my camera (: How much better does it get?! Oh, yes. No studying! Heh. Though, this weekend I've got to pack because we're moving house. Sad, i know. I'mma' miss that house. Today I went to the German Embassy and after, at home, I painted my nails of my left hand all different colors -except the middle and thumb- with Dior nail polish. Yeah, baby! I am soooooooo relieved to not have 2 hours -or 2 hour and 30 minute- classes of one of the four UPSR taken subjects. Phew! The Sleepover, London Vibe, Merdeka and what not pictures will be up soon on either my blog or facebook. I'm going to go do a new post, now. Peace,x-Raisa



''You're can't do anything.'' She said,
''POWERLESS!!!'' I replied.
Nope. I still haven't studied. I don't want to be a student dying ( studying). Hahahha. Forgive me but I tell really lame jokes. So, I love these Tesco Cereals. They are abso-freaking-lutely delicious. Cold milk with it make me feel like I'm in heaven and you know what?! I'm going to go eat them and then study. Though, it's really unhealthy, I've been eating it for daaaaaaaaaays, now. Shit lah. -bops head to the beat. I love the song Damaged. It's so sad :(
I'm scared and I'm alone. I need for you to know.


Day 2

O. My. Edward.
I didn't do half the paper, i shooted ( tembak) and i did around 22. Like, really did it, as in correctly.
I. Need. An. iPod.
SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! I'm downloading all these songs and they need to be somewhere. Sheesh.
I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say
And you can't take back what you've taken away

Picture Spam

The order is all wrong. Sorry. It was Azfars Birthday!!! I had to improvise (:

Oh Yeah (: Peace,x- Raisa

Day 1

For the love of all that's delicious. I'm having my Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah. Tomorrow is just Maths and on Thursday is Science and English. So, currently I'm studying English and later, Science. I'm not nervous. Let me tell you how my morning went:

I walked in the Toilet, holding the mascara in my hand, opened it and applied a bit. Then I spritzed myself with my new perfume, which is vanilla scented. I did my hair, then.

Yes, i know, but would you rather I bee nervous or all weird?? Hahaha. Peace,x-Raisa

I'm sorry that I hurt you
Please don't ask me why
I want to see you happy
I want to see you shine
C'mon push it, you can do it
C'mon prove it, nothing to it
C'mon use it, let's get through it
C'mon push it, you can do it


Lost iPod

Shit, Damm, Shit.
I think i lost my iPod. SHH! I tugged my earplugs out of my iPod with force and it went some place in the car where i do not know, while i listened to my disc-man in total oblivion. Once i got to school, i opened the door and stepped out, hearing a thud as my feet kicked against something small and white... Into the drain!!! YES! SHIT! I know, right! Peace, x- Raisa